Otto W. Zeitungspuller



Mytologium - Nosebook


Short excerpts from Mytologium (Nosebook of remarkable Noses) of famous German Nose searcher Otto W. Zeitungspuller, which was first published in 1972 with the title: «Boots, nostrils and Hot Noses». In this work we can find a huge collection of noses and other microorganisms under the process of Mytosis. This is the brilliant result of the systematic research conducted by this scientist – researcher for over a decade.


We must thank the offspring of the famous researcher Spiegel Von Friedrichstrassemuller and  Wolfang B. Alexanderplatzerstuller, who gave us permission to use parts of this colossal project…






Excerpt from page 23 - Species:  Mytopodia (edible and colonial)




















Excerpt from page 132 - Species: Mytorinhus extraordinarius



























  Psittirostra Psittacea


«A rare and very nervous species of  Myto - parrots family. It was very difficult for this bird to stand still  - and for me to take a picture or video with my camera. For the shooting I used two nets, 4 water slings, 3 raspberry cakes and a photo of Captain Kirk from Star Trek. The photo was taken with a PentaxBala / Laica camera, ZeinsBirdy Num num lens, ISO 35, df88 / 52,321, focus tw4,932189 etc. etc»  -- Otto W. Zeitungspuller





Excerpt from page 254 - Species: Mytongium and Nose worms































«There is nothing better than a good nose


From memoirs of Otto W. Zeitungspuller (“Das Knauf Kraftwerk OttoMachine”)

















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