(excerpts from the book, samples of illustrations etc.)



Children’s books

(of any age)


Text - Illustrations: John Kalokyris


Small collection of children’s books (and not only),

written and illustrated by the author.



*      Books with tales and stories for children of any age.

*      Beautiful books with colorful or black and white illustrations.

*      Extraordinary fantasy worlds, magical creatures, enchanted forests and more…











The water that makes you invisible

and the Old She -  Devil with the 100 humps


A  journey between the borders of fantasy and reality.



A Scottish boy, a Greek dancer, a girl from Africa and a grandpa from Canada begin the longest journey of their lives. No one of them knows the other. Every one of them has his own problems. All of them are looking for something. After many adventures and journeys in all parts of the world, our friends will be disappointed. But just when they were ready to quit and go back to their homes emptyhanded, the awful and terrible Old – She – Devil – with the 100 humps appears suddenly in the book … and changes everything!



An optimistic fairytale about friendship, octopuses and coincidences. For young readers (of any age)...



For more, click here









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